For decades both Seventh-day Adventists and Davidian Seventh-day Adventists have wrestled over the proper application of the special resurrection found in Daniel 12:2. For example, more recently in early 2012 a certain Sister Cheche Cortal asked the following probing question on a Facebook discussion group that was never brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Brothers in Christ, how can we harmonize the writing of the Rod with the passage on GC 637 about the special resurrection of Dan 12:2? ...
Revisiting the “Living Spirit of Prophecy”
A showdown at antitypical Mt. Carmel is underway between the prophet of God and the prophets of Baal. It is taking place all around the world via the internet in Facebook discussion groups, chat rooms, blog posts, Skype calls, video chats, emails, text messages, tweets, publications, seminars, Bible studies in every possible avenue of communication. A primary battle front stems from our accepting what the Rod teaches regarding "the living spirit of prophecy" (LSOP) or taking what the voice of ...
Part Two: Some Criteria for God’s Storehouse
Part Two: What are Some Criteria of God’s Storehouse? (for Part One in this series, please click this link.) In part two of this series we aim to determine what God’s storehouse should be doing so that we can recognize it from a myriad of counterfeits that have arisen since Brother Houteff's death in 1955. To accomplish this goal we will examine several criteria coming from the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy and the Shepherds’s Rod that will aid us in our search. May God richly bless you as you ...
How are we to Keep the Feast Days Today?
The subject of keeping the feast days at their appointed times is being increasingly agitated as a wind of doctrine within Seventh-day Adventist circles. Claims are being made that these Jewish holidays are statutes that are part of the moral law and therefore binding upon us today. Some say that in order to be translated one has to be a feast keeper. Others suggest that keeping the ceremonial law was the missing element in the 1888 message brought by Elders A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner. What ...
Should we Follow the “New Codes” Today?
Perhaps one of the clearest evidences that Davidia is still knocked out and spiritually unconscious today is in regards to the topic of whether we should accept the Symbolic Codes published by Florence Houteff after the death of Bro. Houteff as part of the inspired message of the Shepherd's Rod. This is evidenced by the fact that most of the major Davidian Associations at present, along with many independent Davidians, tenaciously uphold and defend these Codes (Vol. 10, No. 7 to Vol. 13, Nos. ...