Often we get questions regarding the study of the original Shepherd’s Rod message and the establishment of the latter day kingdom that have a simple straightforward enough answer but then become clouded when some professed teachers of righteousness muddy the waters with their own private interpretations. As a case for illustration consider the question about how many years will the kingdom be established prior to Christ’s visible advent in the clouds of glory. Another way of thinking about it ...
Are We Ashamed of the Prophet Divinely Called by God?
One of the biggest troubles in Davidia in the period of the enemy's effort to deliver a knock out blow is the insidious variety of modernism (Answerer Book, No. 3, pp. 54-58) that has taken hold of many who take it upon themselves to remodel the Rod, add or subtract from its teachings, and/or plagiarize it without giving credit to its author. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto me.”— John 12:32 Most recently there has been certain individuals who have taken ...