Greetings Brethren: Below are the first two parts of a presentation which examines whether we as present truth believers should accept the New Codes (Vol. 10, No. 7 to Vol. 13, Nos. 11, 12) as part of the inspired Shepherd's Rod message as this is an issue of considerable controversy in our midst. Let us all pray and search for Truth on this matter and teach only that which is published in the official publications of the Shepherd's Rod message that came from our beloved Brother V. T. ...
Should we Follow the “New Codes” Today?
Perhaps one of the clearest evidences that Davidia is still knocked out and spiritually unconscious today is in regards to the topic of whether we should accept the Symbolic Codes published by Florence Houteff after the death of Bro. Houteff as part of the inspired message of the Shepherd's Rod. This is evidenced by the fact that most of the major Davidian Associations at present, along with many independent Davidians, tenaciously uphold and defend these Codes (Vol. 10, No. 7 to Vol. 13, Nos. ...