There is confusion in the midst of professed believers of the Shepherd’s Rod message over the topic of who is the antitypical Elijah the prophet and what is his message. Despite rather plain statements from the original writings of the Rod, ever since the death of Brother Houteff in 1955 there have arisen a string of prophetic office seekers who reinterpret the Rod and the SOP for their own gain as they want to be the Elijah for today. Thus confusion abounds as naive and poorly studied students ...
The Last Message and Manifestation of the Spirit of Prophecy: Is it the Rod or the Branch?
There continues to be confusion amongst Davidians as to what actually constitutes "the living spirit of prophecy." This subject has been thoroughly addressed in previous posts on this blog as listed below. However, the present post will examine this controversy from the perspective of a principle Branch claim that the message must continue onward with ...