For years there have calls amongst present truth believers to unite and come together so the work of pleading for mother can be finished and that long hoped for kingdom of peace ushered in. Is this thinking based on a sound understanding of the Rod or is it a specious sort of love sick sentimentalism that is calculated to lead, if possible, the very elect into the ditch? Has anyone proposing such schemes ever taken the time to sink the shaft deep into the mine of Truth and answer the following ...
Part One: Where is God’s Storehouse Today?
The topic of the location and purpose of God's storehouse today is one of much confusion and debate among professed believers of the Shepherd's Rod message. This situation is exacerbated by many rival factions within Davidia that have arisen since 1955 most of whom claim they are the only true storehouse. How does one go about sorting through this maze of conflicting information coming from every direction? Well brethren, take hold and have faith that God does not leave His faithful forsaken ...