In the period of the enemy's effort to deliver a "knockout blow" (1959 to present) perhaps one of the most divisive and controversial doctrines in Davidian circles involves the full understanding of the prophecy given in the 47th chapter of the book of Ezekiel. Strangely there are many who try to divert minds from a full investigation into this topic by stating things like, "Bro. Houteff hid this chart behind his desk and never published it with the other large charts so we do not need to study ...
IRS 501c3 & State Incorporation: A Trap for Davidians?
Ever since the enemy's effort to deliver a knock out blow Davidian Seventh-day Adventists have been lead astray into many winds of doctrine and practice. A striking example of this alarming trend has been the incorporation of most every Davidian Association since the early 1960's with the state and their subsequent registration as IRS 501c3 tax exempt religious organizations. What are the legal ramifications and reasons for this? Is it based on sound Biblical principle or could it be a deadly ...