A showdown at antitypical Mt. Carmel is underway between the prophet of God and the prophets of Baal. It is taking place all around the world via the internet in Facebook discussion groups, chat rooms, blog posts, Skype calls, video chats, emails, text messages, tweets, publications, seminars, Bible studies in every possible avenue of communication. A primary battle front stems from our accepting what the Rod teaches regarding "the living spirit of prophecy" (LSOP) or taking what the voice of ...
Living Spirit of Prophecy: What is It?
It seems that the winds of doctrine blowing through the diaspora of professed Davidians is never ending. Take for example the controversy over the meaning of the expression "living spirit of prophecy" (LSOP). Some argue vehemently that this must be a living prophet or porter in our midst. However, the difficulty with this thinking is that is sets the stage for an endless string of prophetic office seekers of which inspiration abundantly warns us about. Ever since the death of Bro. Victor ...