There continues to be confusion amongst Davidians as to what actually constitutes "the living spirit of prophecy." This subject has been thoroughly addressed in previous posts on this blog as listed below. However, the present post will examine this controversy from the perspective of a principle Branch claim that the message must continue onward with ...
The Special Resurrection: Is There a Dual Application?
For decades both Seventh-day Adventists and Davidian Seventh-day Adventists have wrestled over the proper application of the special resurrection found in Daniel 12:2. For example, more recently in early 2012 a certain Sister Cheche Cortal asked the following probing question on a Facebook discussion group that was never brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Brothers in Christ, how can we harmonize the writing of the Rod with the passage on GC 637 about the special resurrection of Dan 12:2? ...
Answerer Books Nos. 6 and 7: Are They Part of the Rod?
Are Answerer Books Nos. 6 and 7 part of the original Rod message? Who is responsible for bringing these manuscripts to the forefront? Does Answerer Book No. 6 really shed any light on Jacob's Time of Trouble? How should we regard these materials today? We recently received a copy of a document from Executive Secretary of the Waco Association in which they claim will help “to clarify Davidian confusion” over the topic of Jacob’s time of trouble. This particular document is a ...
A Call to Action
It is Time to Stand Up, do Something, and Cease Being Idle So are you really serious about doing something to advance the Rod message? Are you tried of much talking and endless failed promises? Do you want to move forward, putting behind the past, separate from all error, and choose to look to God alone for help? Then this message is for you. Now is a call to action for those who are willing to do and dare. Over the years we have received many requests from ...
The Feminine Holy Spirit: Bible Doctrine or Gnostic Heresy?
The video presentation below will expose the heretical Gnostic, feminist doctrine of Lois Rodin of Branch Davidian fame claiming that the third person of the Godhead is feminine. By comparing scripture with scripture the foundation of the arguments presented using word studies in the Hebrew and Greek will be shown to be superficial, unsound, and contradictory to the teaching of the Holy Bible. Although this teaching of a feminine Holy Spirit goes far beyond the confines of Branch Davidianism and ...