The principle demonstrating how the publishing work of the original SRod message is supposed to advance today has been clearly revealed in the Spirit of Prophecy, yet in a strange paradox, most present truth believers in the SRod message are either ignorant, or choose to ignore such precedent because it goes contrary to their idea of what constitutes a storehouse and their insistence that there must be a Davidian headquarters in the United States that controls or rules over the work of the entire world field. God never intended for the publishing work to be consolidated in one location to supply literature to the world field for obvious logistic reasons as summarized below.
- How can a single publishing house located in the United States supply literature to reach 20+ million SDA’s who are scattered all around the world?
- How much SRod tract literature should we be sending out each month to reach 20+ million SDA’s worldwide in a reasonable time frame, say like 5 years?
- Why is it that most Davidians abroad, outside the U.S., do not have complete sets of SRod tract literature despite being in the message for many years?
- Do you have any idea of the costs of trying to ship large quantities of tract literature all around the world?
- How much SRod tract literature has been produced by the existing GADSDA headquarters in the U.S. over the past decade to reach fields such as the widely scattered South Pacific islands or the immense continent of Africa?
- Is it wise to allow a small group (Executive Council) of uninspired and unauthorized men to rule over the world field and make decisions on how God’s work is to advance especially in regard to the publishing work?
- What if the sizable resources for mailing literature and sending ministers around to entertain followers and gather their tithes back to the U.S. were reallocated to establish local publishing operations in locations around the world what would be the result?
When one does even a cursory study of the history of the rise and progress of the publishing work in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ellen White’s day is was apparent that the work was never intended to be centralized in one location. Just look at the history and experiences of the Review and Herald that started in a humble way in Paris, Maine and later moved to Battle Creek Michigan and evolved to become one of the largest and most advanced publishing houses east of the Mississippi river. However, due to apostasy and a desire of the church leaders to rule over the work after 1888 efforts to divert some of the great resources at Battle Creek to help establish publishing houses around the world was resisted by the leading men despite abundant counsel coming from the pen of Ellen White. This rebellion against God’s plan and the temptation to take on lucrative commercial printing contracts resulted in Divine judgment that burned the great Review and Herald publishing house to the ground in 1902. The rise of the Adventist publishing work and God’s plan for establishing publishing houses around the world along with the concept that larger more established publishing houses in the United States were not to consolidate their resources, but were to assist new and smaller operations around the world to get on solid ground so that they could get established and become self sufficient are found in the resources listed below. Please review these materials for your continued spiritual growth and knowledge of the work that God desires to advance today with the original SRod message so that blessed hope of the soon coming kingdom can become a reality. Each of us has a part to play.
Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 7, Ellen White (read the entire volume).
The Publishing Ministry, Ellen White, first compiled 1946 (read the entire volume).
Flames Over Battle Creek: The Story of George W. Amadon, Review and Herald Printer, Milton Raymond Hook, Review and Herald Pub. Association, 1977
For video presentations on this topic please see:
The Rise of the Seventh-day Adventist Movement 1831-1915:
Large Centralized Publishing Houses vs. Many Storehouses:
We here at are very excited to report how God has moved His mighty are to bring about this idea of multiple publishing houses for the original SRod message to be established worldwide in the past 18 months. This proves for certain that this is not some man-made plan but indeed the mandate of God for this time. As we speak fully operational publishing houses have been established in the South Pacific Islands of Vanuatu and the African countries of Zimbabwe and South Africa involving hundreds of Davidians. In our next post we will review some more details of these amazing providences of God that have transpired to allow this work to move forward in such a striking manner despite the idea being announced and publicized for over a decade since the launch of the pioneering website in August of 2008. As well this should dispel any rumors, gossip, or outright lies about this development being a “one man operation” or that is teaching people to pocket their tithes and do whatever they want with them. Please stay tuned and may God richly bless your search for truth as for hidden treasure, especially in regard to how you can become involved as a candidate to be one of God’s future leaders of the Loud Cry message, the spotless 144,000 with no guile in their mouths.
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