Today many Davidians are confused as to their role in advancing the work of the original Shepherd’s Rod message. Part of the confusion comes from the assumed roles certain individuals have taken upon themselves purporting to be leaders or ministers for various groups or associations. Now that most of these characters have been exposed as usurpers and unauthorized leaders the question becomes what should we, that is, the average everyday Davidian who believes and the studies the message be doing to help finish the work leading up to Ezekiel 9? In this post we will address this issue and provide some straightforward common sense remedies where everyone can be involved and no longer dependent upon the arm of flesh.
Prior to 1955:
From 1930 to 1955 Brother V. T. Houteff was the undisputed leader of the Shepherd’s Rod message which was renamed in 1943 as The General Association of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists (GADSDA, 13 Tr 46). He held the position of porter/prophet/president and the acquired the titles of:
- Antitypical Elijah (2 TG 7:11; 9 Tr 67; 13 Tr 11; GCS 8, 19, 23, 24, 35, 36)
- Antitypical Joshua (3 Ans. 20-22; 1 TG 8:23, 24, 26, 28)
- Antitypical king David (8 Tr 13, 47, 71; 9 Tr 43; 2 TG 2:6, 14, 17; 2 TG 21:7; 2 TG 43:17)
- Zerubbabel (1 TG 14:22; 2 SR 279, 280)
- Jezreel (4 Tr 51; 9 Tr 4; JL 8:1; 2 TG 43:18)
After 1955:
As predicted in the Rod, many usurpers and false teachers would arise. The premier example being Florence Houteff who destroyed the office of President and placed herself in as Vice President. There was no authorization for this blatant usurpation. The leadership hierarchies of Salem, Mt. Dale, and Waco still follow this anti-Levitical model. (For prior video presentations where we discuss the corrupted leadership hierarchies found in various Davidian groups, please visit this link or our You Tube channel).
So how can we advance the original SRod message today without any “authorized” leadership?
The key is to recognize that although Brother Houteff in the antitypical Elijah, he has helpers who advance the original SRod message in his temporary absence. And that is the role where we as students of the message come into play as candidates for the 144,000 striving to be one of the number. So here are some helpful references.
“Remember, too, that you are candidates for the first fruits, to be either one with, or one of the 144,000, that you are to be without guile in your mouths (Rev. 14:5).
Measure your words by the golden rule. If you will do to others what you would have them to do to you, you will have less trouble, greater joy in life, many friends all around you, and fair sheaves for the Heavenly Garner.” —Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 4, p. 27
“Since God is not experimenting, and since He means just what He says, there should be no doubt in your minds that the Scriptures concerning antitypical Elijah (he who is to awaken the church and to warn the Laodiceans of “the great and the dreadful day of the Lord”‘ make sure that he is one person. Of a surety, he is to have faithful helpers, but according to the prophet Nahum he will greatly make use of the printing press and will scatter his message by the postage stamp everywhere, as the leaves of autumn. He will not care what is done with his publications, but will make sure the they find their way into all hands, laps, pockets, yards or waste baskets throughout Laodicea. Here is what Inspiration Itself has to say concerning the prophet’s means of taking his message to the church:” —General Conference Special, pp. 33, 34
So it is clear that we today can do at four things to prepare to become future leaders in the kingdom.
- Study and master the original SRod message (see recommended requirements below)
- Publish the original SRod tract literature and distribute in your area.
- Organize your local group to advance the publishing work, train Bible workers, and engage in evangelism in the name of the Rod.
- Labor as self supporting Bible Workers so that means can be brought into the treasury to advance the message.
Some requirements for those striving to be future leaders in the kingdom.
- Read the entire KJV of the Bible.
- Read at least 25 books of the Spirit of Prophecy such as: Testimonies for the Church Vols. 1-9, Conflict of Ages Series (PP, PK, DA, AA, GC); SM Vols. 1-3, TM, GW, SC, MB, COL, MH, CH, AH.
- Read the entire original SRod message.
- Complete the Basic and Advanced SRod Bible Correspondence Courses.
- Complete the Certificate of Fellowship Application.
- Apply for Advanced online DLI training.
- Actively participate in evangelism in the name of the SRod by pen and voice. Lay siege on mother by visiting venues where SDA’s congregate such as sessions, youth events, and camp meetings.
Knowing that after Ezekiel 9 the hands of Zerubbabel, the 144,000 will finish the work.
“It is evident by this Scripture that this glorious church is to be established at the close of this world’s history when the earthly kingdoms shall come to their end. While interpreting Zechariah’s vision, the angel spoke of Zerubbabel, saying: “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands also shall finish it.” (Zech. 4:9). That is, the founders of the anti-type which were typified by Zerubbabel, laid the foundation in 1844. Zerubbabel being “a signet” to the anti-type (by laying the foundation and finishing the house), denotes that the finishing of the spiritual house (the completeness of the church of God — numbering of the saints) is to be accomplished in one generation (in the life of a man, commencing in 1844.“ — Shepherd’s Rod, Vol. 2, p. 280.3
“All who look for hooks to hang their doubts upon, will find them. And those who refuse to accept and obey God’s word until every objection has been removed, and there is no longer an opportunity for doubt, will never come to the light.” — The Great Controversy, pp. 143, 609, 460, 395, 528, 519, 527. Going on in their own blind,” — Tract No. 7, p. 65
Thanks bro Eric , very true.,A question which you can email me the answer.
If we in Vanuatu have comply with all the requirements and acquire our fellowship card, furthermore we also enrolled with the DLI.
Are we eligible to become organise?