Today anyone who claims to believe the Shepherd’s Rod message and is actively engaged with its movements on the internet is acutely aware that we are in the midst of an all out war between truth and error. Specifically who or what constitutes God’s storehouse and/or headquarters today. And the battle waxes especially hot since the bottom line the issue becomes where should we return our tithes, who gets the gold, and who is in control of whom. To even the casual observer the intensity of the battle continues daily on internet venues such a Facebook, YouTube, blog posts in addition to conference calls, phone study groups, and face to face meetings. And one of the biggest topics of discussion is who or what constitutes God’s storehouse of present truth today? Many people are asking questions and seeking answers and all of the rival factions are quick to give their arguments. We at have been addressing this situation over well over a decade having posted many videos, blog posts, studies, and historical documents to reveal the fuller context and dynamics of the controversy. In this pursuit to uplift the facts and truth of the matter we have proven beyond a shadow of doubt the the claims and assumptions of two of the principle antagonists who claim to be God’s storehouse/headquarters that Mt. Dale and Waco cannot qualify today despite their most vehement claims and ardent, yet blinded supporters.
Below is a list of twelve conclusive facts that demonstrate the case. Acknowledgment of this basic reality is the first step to moving on to discover how God is working today to establish multiple printing houses worldwide to feed the flock and to reach the 20+ million Seventh-day Adventists scattered worldwide. And despite the enemy’s vicious personal attacks and character assassinations, there are groups of brethren around the world who are breaking away from these man controlled and deeply corrupted associations and establishing their own publishing houses to meet the needs of their members who have be abused and neglected over the years. We have listed under each point prior videos and studies where we have exposed these errors and have in their place offered up something better according to what is published in the original SRod message. And we are not done yet. The battle is not over by a long measure and will not end well for those who continue to uphold the hands of sinners in Zion, refuse to advance in a knowledge of the truth, and actively campaign to prevent others for investigating for themselves.
The Lord’s treasury should be under God’s control, and if He Himself should not care how it is handled, it would be impossible for us to correct the evil regardless of how hard we might try, and much less could we help Him by withholding that which is His. If we guard carefully that part of the Lord’s work which is entrusted to us, we shall have all that we can do. Our only concern should be to find out where is His “storehouse,” and then faithfully deposit His money there, and, if it is His “storehouse,” He will, without a doubt, take care of His own, but if He does not care for the storehouse which you think is His, then either your conception of His storehouse is incorrect, or else He has moved it to another place. “Seek and ye shall find.” — Symbolic Code, Vol. 2, No. 12, p. 9
1. Both are Mt. Dale and Waco deeply steeped in idolatry. They are worshippers at the throne of Florence Houteff (FH) and their primary thought leaders (Errol Stanford/Mt. Dale and Norman Archer/Waco).
2. Teach and publish from the unauthorized New Code sermon addresses.
The New Codes: Are They Part of the Rod? — Part 1:
The New Codes: Are They Part of the Rod? — Part 2:
3. Follow the FH leadership model having no president but a vice president who is voted in by the popular vote of the people just like the GC (8 Tr 48).
Davidian Leadership Crisis: 1955-2018:
4. Do not publish original SRod tract literature.
Remodeling the Shepherd’s Rod: 1955-2010:
5. Use man altered and perverted SRod study charts.
The Golden Bowl Revisited Part 4: A Mirage Exposed:
The Grains of Ezekiel Four: More Alterations of Inspiration:
6. Are incorporated with the state as IRS 501c3 organizations.
IRS 501c3 & State Incorporation: A Trap for Davidians?:
7. Do not believe nor advance multiple storehouses around the world to reach 21+ SDA’s.
Large Publishing Houses vs. Many Local Storehouses:
8. Seek to rule and control the world field from their HQ in the United States.
Corrupt Davidian Leadership Hierarchies:
9. Are grossly negligent to provide the flock of converts with original SRod literature and proper instruction on tithing, organization, treasury work, training programs, etc..
Tithing Issues for Davidian Seventh-day Adventists:
10. Teach doctrines contrary to that which is published in the original SRod message. For example, Eze. 47 (Waco), Assyrian Confederacy, JTT, New Codes, etc.
Is the Storehouse in Waco Today?
Ezekiel 47: Is the Fountain Open Today?:
Going Eastward: A Study From Ezekiel 47:
11. Misappropriate titles and authority that do not belong to them such as “Mt. Carmel Center” and “headquarters”.
12. Do not train Bible Workers and Ministers to be leaders rather they enable poorly studied and misled followers.
Who Decides Doctrine for Davidians: The BRC or the Individual?:
Yes, these and other “corporations” are corrupt. They have gone their own way. They spend their time arguing about endless “made up” controversies to cover up the fact that they have no light.
“And those who are satisfied with the Truth of yesterday, who are not looking for fresh Truth for today from the throne of God, not looking for ‘meat in due season,’ — such ones will find themselves in as terrible a predicament as did the Jews — spued out. 1TG 50:25
“God has never had more than one movement in existence at a time and it could not be otherwise now, for Christ cannot be divided. (See 1 Cor. 1:13.) God’s church is well marked in every generation by obedience to present truth.” 2SRod 125
Please share with me, what Present Truth do you have? I see lots of good history and exposing of error on your site, but what Present Truth (doctrine) do you teach? As you state, the prophet has been gone a long time. Surely the Lord has not forsaken His people with His Truth, at this late date?
The tithe is reserved for the “storehouse” where Present Truth is being disbursed, I am sure you agree. Where do you send your tithe?
God bless you in your work,
Ken Jayne
Indeed, that is why God’s people need to face the reality of the situation and advance to promote the original SRod message and place our efforts to establish publishing houses worldwide to reach 20+ million SDA’s worldwide. The future gospel HQ will be in Palestine and that is where we should be training up and preparing to be part up.
We return our tithes to which is the only place where the entire original SRod message including the original 1944 study charts are published. is active in helping groups of brethren establish their own publishing operations worldwide so that that do not have to depend for literature to come from the USA at great shipping expense. Also none of the literature published by Waco and Mt. Dale is original, it is all man tampered counterfeits.
Greetings again, thank you for your answer.
So, with your admittance that you have no new Light to offer the flock, how on earth can you accept the Holy tithe and claim to be God’s Storehouse? You have no authority to do so by the very words of the prophet. Brother Houteff clearly gives the definition of the Storehouse. YOU can “authorize” anyone who posses SRod literature to be a storehouse? What an abuse of the writings!
Who gave you or anyone, the authority to pick and choose what writings can be used and which can not? The answer can only be yourselves gave yourselves the authority!
Maybe I should have asked for your permission to use 2SR 125? Is that book on your list of “approved” writings? If it is on the “good list” then why don’t you accept what it says?
Ken Jayne