This week (August 4-11, 2018) the Mt. Dale GADSDA is holding their session. Therein they are being forced to defend their stand on the unauthorized New Code sermon addresses allegedly given by Brother Houteff and publishing posthumously by the wife Florence, a well known and proven architect of apostasy and numerous falsehoods. This is due, in part, to many questions that continue to come from concerned brethren worldwide. Mt. Dale is desperate and can no longer slip the issue under the rug. The challenge is coming from within and their ship load of bogus arguments and justifications is sinking quickly. They recently released a paper (see below) responding to earlier critics against the New Codes and are sending it worldwide to justify their stand. Also, below please find attached our response to this latest last gasp from Mt. Dale which thoroughly destroys their bogus arguments. It is time for each individual to study for themselves and to separate from the errors of Florence Houteff and her continued supporters at Mt. Dale, Waco, and Salem.
New-Codes: Response from Mt.Dale
Response to Mt. Dale-New Code Justifications
If you have any questions or comments, please use the comment section below or send us and email and we will be happy to direct you to the truth by the grace and mercy of God.
Yours to stand strong for the truth, come what may.
The Publishers,
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