“Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye? 5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” — Matthew 7:1-5
Recently the Facebook group known as “truth tellers” under the administration of Rob Peralta, Erik Bell, and Rene Reyes has issued a series of posts in response the recent worldwide evangelism efforts of the Bashan group under the leadership of Trevor Bingham calling for unity amongst the various Davidian groups. The posts by Peralta, Bell, and newly welcomed authority Norman Archer, the de facto head of the Waco Association, warn against the various false teachings coming from Bashan and their origin with the group’s founder, Martin James (M.J.) Bingham beginning in the early 1960’s. Now deceased, M.J. is the father of current leader Trevor Bingham.
Our purpose in the following post is to point out the futility of “truth tellers” attempt to warn the people about the dangers of Bashan and Lennox Sam’s bogus Association but offering them no place were the truth in the original SRod message is published and taught. One might liken this strange paradox to . . .
Warning People About Error but Leading Them Into Confusion Rather Than the Truth.
How can you warn people about the dangers of following the errors in Trevor Bingham’s Bashan Hill Association or Lennox Sam’s GADSDA and then offer them nothing but further confusion by suggesting that the present day storehouse for the Rod message is either the error filled Mt. Dale, Waco, or International GADSDA (Erik Bell) Associations all of whom are at variance with each other and none who publish the original unadulterated SRod message despite their empty claims? Saints be watchful and pray for this as it is a matter of life and death.
For your own soul salvation, if you are going to warn the people about the dangers of getting lured by the false teaching of some group then you had have a better place to bring them to where the pure unadulterated truth is being taught. But this is not the case at “truth tellers” led by Rob Peralta, Eric Bell, and Rene Reyes. Why? Because they are so confused that they promote up to four different counterfeit groups or associations as God’s storehouse but none of which are in unity with each other all teaching one thing or another according to what they believe. Strangely absent in their recommendations for storehouse’s where the truth is alleged to be published and taught is a complete refusal to acknowledge the work of the one and only association that publishes the entire original unadulterated SRod message (complete literature and charts) without addition nor subtraction exactly as Brother Houteff did which can only be found at upa7.org and its associated websites (shepherds-rod-speaks.org and whyperish.org). Through the mercy and grace of God to His beloved people of S.D.A. and D.S.D.A., to reiterate, upa7.org publishing association arose out of necessity in 2006 to restore the original SRod message due to the many man-made additions/subtractions, revisions, alterations, tampering, to this divinely sent message. that have taken place since after the death of Brother Victor T. Houteff in 1955. This includes nearly every group worldwide that has arisen on the scene including Mt. Dale, Waco, International GADSDA (Erik Bell), and many other false DSDAs. For a documented history of God’s true storehouse from Genesis to Revelation including the oft confused era after the death of Brother Houteff from 1955 on up to the present day, please prayerfully review the six part history presentation found at the following link, http://whyperish.org/storehouse-history/
“It is proper and right to read the Bible; but your duty does not end there; for you are to search its pages for yourselves. The knowledge of God is not to be gained without mental effort, without prayer for wisdom in order that you may separate from the pure grain of truth the chaff with which men and Satan have misrepresented the doctrines of truth. Satan and his confederacy of human agents have endeavored to mix the chaff of error with the wheat of truth. We should diligently search for the hidden treasure, and seek wisdom from heaven in order to separate human inventions from the divine commands. The Holy Spirit will aid the seeker for great and precious truths which relate to the plan of redemption. I would impress upon all the fact that a casual reading of the Scriptures is not enough. We must search, and this means the doing of all the word implies. As the miner eagerly explores the earth to discover its veins of gold, so you are to explore the word of God for the hidden treasure that Satan has so long sought to hide from man. The Lord says,”If any man willeth to do his will, he shall know of the teaching.”” John 7:17. (R.V.) — Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 307
Storehouses That Mix Truth and Error.
Rob Peralta loves to recommend his beloved false storehouses of Waco, Mt. Dale, and International GADSDA but fails to warn his followers that they also teach errors in the name of the Rod resulting to the loss of the innocent souls who only trust in him rather than God. It is very inconsistent that he himself supposedly does not believe in the New Codes published by Florence Houteff yet supports Mt. Dale and Waco who both publish and teach heresies coming from these very New Codes. Is this man not confused and confusing like the Elders in the S.D.A. Church who teach against the Shepherd’s Rod? Below are the some of these errors and links to prior posts on this website that expose the anti-Rod teachings and practices coming from these Associations. But withholding these facts from the people, the “truth tellers” administrators deal unfairly with the Rod and end up deceiving and confusing their members and innocent others leading them astray from the true teachings of God.
False teachings of Mountain Dale, Waco, International GADSDA and others:
- Publish and teach errors coming from the New Codes.
- Promote that the location of God’s Storehouse (headquarters for the work) must be located in or around Waco, Texas (Waco, IntGADSDA).
- Do not publish the complete original SRod literature and study charts. Rather these Associations publish heavily adulterated literature (changed typeset, artwork, layout, etc.) or do not publish any literature at all.
- Do not understand the office of president of the GADSDA.
- Make excuses for not providing a logical and documented history of God’s true storehouse from 1955 up to the present day.
- Do not acknowledge the full and proper application of the vision of Ezekiel’s river (chapter 47) to the history of the movement of God’s storehouse from 1930 up to the present day.
- Stand in open rebellion to God’s government by being incorporated (confederated) with the state government by forming IRS 501c3 tax exempt religious corporations for certain financial benefits.
“ Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” — 1 Timothy 5:20
What is Really Going on in “Truth Tellers”, One May Ask?
If one analyzes what is taking place on the “truth tellers” group originated by Peralta and two other independent Davidians a few years back who have subsequently been removed as administrators due to divergent theological views, and hurt feelings, it has become a venue to recruit naive DSDA’s into the ranks of defunct or counterfeit Davidian Associations specifically Mt. Dale, Waco, and IntGADSDA. Although with faith in Christ Jesus, the Lord will lead the sincere seekers of the Truth, it is a pity in behalf of Rob Peralta who allows himself to be used as the devil’s pawn to recruit members for the counterfeit Waco Association under the control of Norman Archer who will continue to block the Truth for his selfish gratifications at the expense of the poor innocent souls who are starved from the complete original unadulterated SRod message. Talk about a blatant conflict of interest. Perhaps these people need to study Ezekiel chapter 34 and consider how it applies to this situation.
Rather than encourage new converts to study and publish the entire original SRod message for themselves and doing for what God’s Commands through the Holy Bible, SOP, and SRod he demonstrates to the people how to depend upon the arm of flesh. For example, brethren should be should be encouraged to establish publishing houses all over the world as promoted and proven by upa7.org, instead, he recommends for people to return their tithes to one of three counterfeit storehouses which eat up the vineyard with their greedy dog ministers and none of which publish the original SRod tract literature. Meanwhile the real work of getting the original SRod literature out as the leaves of autumn will continue to prosper under the control of the Holy Spirit guiding a multitude of independent storehouses worldwide no matter how much Robert Peralta and his followers who lean on the arm of flesh strive to want it to lie languishing in the dust due to his hatred of the truth that comes from upa7.org.
“Dear brethren and sisters: As error is fast progressing, we should seek to be awake in the cause of God, and realize the time in which we live. Darkness is to cover the earth, and gross darkness the people. And as nearly all around us are being enveloped in the thick darkness of error and delusion, it becomes us to shake off stupidity and live near to God, where we can draw divine rays of light and glory from the countenance of Jesus. As darkness thickens and error increases, we should obtain a more thorough knowledge of the truth and be prepared to maintain our position from the Scriptures.” — Early Writings, p. 104
Seek only the Truth and Discard Errors:
Should you have any further questions and desire to follow Truth coming from God and God alone through the original Shepherd’s Rod message published by Brother V. T. Houteff and preserved by upa7.org, please study every page on this website or feel free to contact us anytime by phone or email. ph: 860 798-3672, email: upa5453@gmail.com.
How can I find the websites of the respective associations? Even Red Bluff, Vista, etc. I don’t see them when doing a search online.
It is somewhat difficult to find all of the websites of the various Davidian associations and factions. We do maintain a list but have found that it changes often and many sites drop off after being up for a short period of time. Perhaps we could publish this list that would serve as a temporary guide.
Trevor Bingham as his Father and mother are all good and righteous people. What Trevor is doing is for the betterment of all groups. They tried to crucify MJ Bingham because he speaks the truth, now you are turning on the son, Oh what a shame.
There is no good person but God the father. As far as Trevor Bingham goes and his adulterous parents, no they are not right and yes we will continue to call them out for what they are, counterfeits of the original SRod message. Have you seen our YouTube video that exposes Bashan Hill? Here is the link, please go watch and investigate for yourself.