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“Our only concern should be to find out where is His “storehouse,” and then faithfully deposit His money there, and, if it is His “storehouse,” He will, without a doubt, take care of His own, but if He does not care for the storehouse which you think is His, then either your conception of His storehouse is incorrect, or else He has moved it to another place. “Seek and ye shall find.” — Symbolic Code, Vol. 2, No. 12, p. 9.6
Today many Davidian Seventh-day Adventists (D.S.D.A.’s) are confused over the understanding of what constitutes the storehouse of present truth today. Much of the confusion arises due to the short sighted assumption that the storehouse is the same as the headquarters and that the headquarters must be located in physical location such as Waco, Texas, Mt. Dale, New York, or some other place. In this study we wish to delve a bit more deeply into the subject by carefully defining what is the storehouse in contrast to the headquarters and the proper roles or functions of each. We will look at some examples for our past history as a movement to support of correct understanding of these two terms and thereby provided a more sure foundation upon which to stand and rightly identify God’s storehouse of present truth today.
What is the Proper Inspired Definition of a “Storehouse”?
Key Text for Study: “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that [there shall] not [be room] enough [to receive it].” — Malachi 3:10
For most S.D.A.’s:
- Some believe that the “storehouse” is the local church, others think it is the Conference.
- Many do not know for sure.
For most D.S.D.A.’s:
- Many argue that the “storehouse” is the “headquarters” that must me located in the domain of the two horned beast.
- Others do not know for sure and some do not care to know saying “it is not a salvation issue”.
We want to examine this passage carefully to know according to what the Word of God teaches.
The key is to find out what the “meat” is.
Some believe it is the money that you give to the ministers and leaders so that they can eat and pay for their basic necessities. This is true, but there is something more that is very important for us to understand.
We must examine the meaning of meat not only physically, but spiritually as well.
See: John 4:32-4; John 6:26-7; Heb 5:13-14
“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?” — Matthew 24:45
“Those who are watching for the Lord are purifying their souls by obedience to the truth. With vigilant watching they combine earnest working. Because they know that the Lord is at the door, their zeal is quickened to co-operate with the divine intelligences in working for the salvation of souls. These are the faithful and wise servants who give to the Lord’s household “their portion of meat in due season.” Luke 12:42. They are declaring the truth that is now specially applicable. As Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Moses each declared the truth for his time, so will Christ’s servants now give the special warning for their generation.” — Desire of Ages, p. 634.2
Conclusion: meat = present truth, a timely message from God.
What is the Difference Between “storehouse” and “house”?
- Matt. 10:25, 36 — house = church
- Gal. 6:10 — household = church members
“ Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;” — Ephesians 2:19
Conclusion: We see that the storehouse is not the church or an unorganized group of individuals, contrary to what many believe, but rather the place where the message of present truth comes that is to feed the church (house) and prepare them for the crisis ahead.
“Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?” — Luke 12:24
“Clearly, then, the bowl in which the golden oil is stored, symbolizes the storehouse of Present Truth — the Word interpreted. The only “storehouse” that contains inspired comments on both Testaments is the books of the Spirit of Prophecy. They, therefore, are the “golden bowl.” The symbolism definitely points out that from them the ministers must get the light-producing truth with which to supply the church, so that it may brightly shine in this dark world, drawing to the light “all men” who hate the darkness.” …This symbolic unit, having demonstrated that the Bible can be rightly interpreted only by the Spirit that dictated It, shows that the church can be led into all Truth only by this Spirit-controlled method: through the interpreters (the two golden pipes), who alone are qualified and enabled to bring forth meat in due season (golden oil) from the Scriptures (olive trees) into the storehouse (golden bowl) of Present Truth; and in turn through the ministers (seven tubes), who alone are to pass on from the bowl the oil to the church (candlestick), that it might illumine with the light of life this dark and dying world of ours.– Tract No. 6, pp. 23-4
“The storehouse is where present truth is, and as we bear present truth — meat In due season — then the Rod must be the storehouse, and the Lord says “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse.”
Then too, you might well reason with the individual along this wise: “Suppose we should all feel that our tithes must go to the treasury at Tacoma Park [old General Conference Headquarters in Maryland, has since moved to Silver Spring], then how would the message ever reach the endangered souls in our churches? God is not desirous at this time to bring the unconverted into the church to meet the fearful slaughter of Ezekiel Nine, but is exceedingly anxious to save His church.” – Symbolic Code Vol. 1, No. 5, p. 8 [bracket added]
In the same manner many Davidians do not understand the difference between “the storehouse” and “the headquarters”.
So What is the “headquarters” and what is its function?
We are going to examine three phases from which the headquarters has or continues to exist from the past, the present, and on into the future.
Before Ezekiel 9: Applying to the Mt. Carmel Center (G.A.D.S.D.A. Headquarters 1930-55)
“1935 Tract No. 5, First Edition, 6,000 copies published May 16. Headquarters moved to Waco, Texas, May 24.” — Tract No. 13, p. 43
“It has been evident for some time that it would soon be necessary to seek a more central location for the office in order to serve the whole field efficiently, so those at headquarters have been praying very earnestly over this matter for many months, and as they kept on praying for light, the Lord finally indicated definitely that beautiful Southern California was no longer to remain the center of His work for the “lost sheep of the house of Israel,” but an eastward course was to be seen in the stream from that “fountain” which is to swell Into the great river of Ezekiel’s prophecy, and plans were soon formulated whereby a thorough search could be made In the territory indicated by the Lord where the future headquarters were to be found.” — Vol. 1 Symbolic Code No. 10, pg. 2
“Consequently, the only right procedure is that all who engage in the work of this sealing message, report their activities to the Headquarters of the work, so that the Office may credit to them the results of their labors. And if there accrues from their efforts sufficient means to enable them to give full time to the teaching of the message, then they might be granted full time status, entitling them to a necessary living expense from the financial results of their labors.” — Answerer Book 5, p. 48
“Set the camp also against it”; that is, make a temporary lodging place for your workers, Headquarters from which to carry on the work, and make preparation to remain there until you have conquered the city. This is the devout purpose in building Mt. Carmel Center, this is its given goal.” — Shepherd’s Rod Tract 1, p. 75
Applying to the General Conference (S.D.A. Church Headquarters)
“1903 Headquarters of the General Conference moved to Washington, D. C., August 10.” — Tract No. 13, p. 43
“And as according to Daniel 4:20-22, trees are figurative of rulers, therefore the trees in this instance represent “the ancient men…before the house” (Ezek. 9:6)–a fact which reveals that in this period, the church’s headquarters are in the two-horned beast’s dominion–the New World…” — Tract No. 8, p. 24
“The title “Judah” (kingdom of Judah), of course, takes in the nation as a whole. Applying this title to the church in our time, it means the Denomination as a whole, the people that are to make up the antitypical kingdom of Judah. The title “Zion,” the ancient palace grounds personified as is in this chapter, and away from the promised land, means the General Conference, the headquarters of the Denomination. According to Nehemiah 11:1, the title “Jerusalem” anciently meant the city of the rulers of the nation. Applying this title to our time, and away from the father land, as Inspiration does, means the under-rulers of the General Conference. To repeat, Judah takes in the laity; Jerusalem takes in the local and union conference officials; Zion takes in the General Conference officials. These are the only possible and logical applications that can be made of this titles.” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 6, p. 25
“The house of Jacob to which God is here speaking is again identified by the fact that it dwells in a land that is full of silver, of gold, and of chariots, that there is no end to the number of them. Since there is no land in all God’s world that is as rich with silver, gold and motor vehicular traffic as is this land of the United States of America, very obviously America, the land where the headquarters of the gospel is, is the land to which God refers. He is, therefore, this day, Brother, Sister, in a special way talking to you, to me, to the whole denomination and particularly to the General Conference (the house of Jacob) in newly revealed Truth, and in unmistakable language.” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 5, p. 9
“Isa. 2:7 — “Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots.”
Of all the nations in the world today, America, the nation in which are the headquarters of the church is the richest. Especially so at this particular time the time in which this Truth is unfolding. Moreover, no other nation has as many church leaders (horses) and as many churches (chariots).” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 29, p. 10
“Knowing full well as we do that the security and sovereign existence of any government depend primarily, not on human and military power, but upon Divine sufferance and protection, we are consequently still the more compelled to render implicit obedience to Heaven’s principles governing our duty to our land. This high compulsion rests with even more compelling force upon us who have been placed here in Providentially free America, because of the happy fact that for these last momentous hours of time He has placed the headquarters of the church here where she is to enjoy unprecedented religious liberty, to function freely, and to discharge without obstruction her Divinely appointed duty world-wide.” — Military Stand, p. 7
After Ezekiel 9: Applying to Mt. Zion, The Kingdom
“Unquestionably, therefore, the wilderness, where the woman was nourished for the time being, is the land of the Gentiles. And the woman’s having to flee from the face of the serpent in her homeland, shows that the dragon had made the holy land his headquarters. Not satisfied with this, though, he even followed her into the wilderness.” — Tract 15, p. 85
“Right now the Lord is advertising for at least 144,000 life-savers, with headquarters on famous Mt. Zion — a greater post than was held by Joseph. Will you be one of them?” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 26
“The prophecy of Isaiah, along with the prophecy of Malachi, make the subject very simple: According to these prophecies, during the Judgment of the Living and while the first fruits — the servants of God, the 144,000 — stand with the Lamb on Mount Zion, the headquarters of the gospel shall be in Zion and Jerusalem.” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 24, p. 16
“Obviously we are right at the dawn of a new day, the day in which the gospel work is to triumph in victory and to reap an abundant harvest of converts. Virtually whole nations are to join “the mountain of the Lord” during the Judgment day, the day in which the law goes “forth of Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem,” from the future headquarters of the gospel.” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 25, p. 6
“Note that the Kingdom which Daniel is speaking of is to be set “in the days of these kings,” not after their days. Moreover, note that it is this Kingdom (the church purified) that breaks the great image. To this coming Kingdom (the church “cleansed,” purified) “shall the gathering of the people be” (Gen. 49:10). . . . When the Headquarters of the gospel are thus established, then it becomes certain that the work is to be finished without delay.” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 29, p. 8
“We nevertheless have good cause for great and solemn rejoicing that we are privileged to be living in a day when out of the ancient ruins of Judah and Israel, shall emerge a Kingdom and a people that shall be exalted above all the kingdoms and nations of the earth. When the Headquarters of the gospel are established in “the mountain of the Lord,” then the work will be finished without delay. To repeat, converted nations will beat their swords into farm implements. They will turn from warring to farming.” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 29, p. 14
“Here we are told that in the latter days, in our time, the ancient Kingdom that was destroyed will be reestablished and exalted above all other Kingdoms. Then people shall “flow into it” because “the law shall go forth of Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” The gospel work, therefore, is to be finished while its headquarters stand in the Holy Land. Thus the Kingdom is set up in probationary time, in time of salvation and judicial purification, for after it is set up other people from many nations flow into it.” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 2, No. 44, p. 49
“From these scriptures, it is plainly seen that Mt. Zion becomes the headquarters for the last gospel work on earth, after the time the 144,000 arrive there, and during the time the dragon wars against the remnant, “for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem”–no longer from the General Conference, or from Mt. Carmel Center.” — Answerer Book 2, p. 48
“And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion [at Headquarters], and he that remaineth in Jerusalem [in the church after the purification], shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning. “ — The White-House Recruiter, p. 53
How do We Find God’s True Storehouse on Earth Today? Is There More Than One?
“Our only concern should be to find out where is His “storehouse,” and then faithfully deposit His money there, and, if it is His “storehouse,” He will, without a doubt, take care of His own, but if He does not care for the storehouse which you think is His, then either your conception of His storehouse is incorrect, or else He has moved it to another place. “Seek and ye shall find.” — Symbolic Code, Vol. 2, No. 12, p. 9, par. 6
In order to locate God’s storehouse of present truth today not only should we seek for it but we must know what we are looking for. Perhaps you are new to the message and have not yet been exposed to all of the winds of doctrine blowing amongst Davidians and the underlying reasons why some, or perhaps all, of the competing headquarters (GADSDA’s) in America today cannot be true and faithful to God.
On the other hand maybe you have been in the SRod message many years and have supported what you believed to be God’s true storehouse ever since you came into the message. Are you to old and wise to learn something new? Perhaps this is God’s test for you. Have read this study through carefully and have examined every point and put it to the test? If you are honest to yourself and God, regardless of how many years you have been studying and/or teaching the message, you will never claim that there is nothing more for any of us to learn. Nor will you scoff at the claims and presentation made herein, but will prayerfully contemplate the significance of the issues brought forth. Rather that looking by whom is this advocated, will you honestly ask yourself are these things so? Have you ever considered the possibility that God will raise up a new storehouse, which will actively establish publishing houses/training centers of present truth in different parts of the world? Where does the message say that the storehouse must be located in America, the domain of the two-horned beast? Perhaps you should read the favorite quote used to justify this claim a little more closely.
“And as according to Daniel 4:20-22, trees are figurative of rulers, therefore the trees in this instance represent “the ancient men…before the house” (Ezek. 9:6)–a fact which reveals that in this period, the church’s headquarters are in the two-horned beast’s dominion–the New World…” — Tract No. 8, p. 24
Please notice the statement says “the church’s headquarters are in the two-horned beast’s dominion” not the “storehouse” of present truth. The storehouse, the church (house), and the headquarters are three different entities as we have demonstrated above using the Rod message to define itself.
“Clearly, then, the bowl in which the golden oil is stored, symbolizes the storehouse of Present Truth — the Word interpreted. The only “storehouse” that contains inspired comments on both Testaments is the books of the Spirit of Prophecy. They, therefore, are the “golden bowl.” The symbolism definitely points out that from them the ministers must get the light-producing truth with which to supply the church, so that it may brightly shine in this dark world, drawing to the light “all men” who hate the darkness.” …This symbolic unit, having demonstrated that the Bible can be rightly interpreted only by the Spirit that dictated It, shows that the church can be led into all Truth only by this Spirit-controlled method: through the interpreters (the two golden pipes), who alone are qualified and inabled to bring forth meat in due season (golden oil) from the Scriptures (olive trees) into the storehouse (golden bowl) of Present Truth; and in turn through the ministers (seven tubes), who alone are to pass on from the bowl the oil to the church (candlestick), that it might illumine with the light of life this dark and dying world of ours.” – Tract No. 6, pp. 23-4
“The storehouse is where present truth is, and as we bear present truth — meat In due season — then the Rod must be the storehouse, and the Lord says “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse.”
Then too, you might well reason with the individual along this wise: “Suppose we should all feel that our tithes must go to the treasury at Tacoma Park [old General Conference Headquarters in Maryland, has since moved to Silver Spring], then how would the message ever reach the endangered souls in our churches? God is not desirous at this time to bring the unconverted into the church to meet the fearful slaughter of Ezekiel Nine, but is exceedingly anxious to save His church.” – Symbolic Code, Vol. 1, No. 5, p. 8 [bracket added]
Which church headquarters is Bro. Houteff referring to in 8 Tract, p. 24? It can be none other that the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church whose headquarters are located in Silver Spring, Maryland, wherein resides the “the ancient men…before the house.” Nowhere in the message is there a specification that God’s storehouse (remember this is different from the “headquarters”) must be located in America, although there is nothing preventing it from being there either. This is error by teaching outside what the message teaches. Furthermore, the message does not restrict the storehouse from being diversified into many publishing houses/training centers located in different regions of the world. In fact inspiration strongly suggests that there should be several publishing houses coordinated together and directed by the Holy Spirit who will follow only what the message teaches, without compromise. Please contemplate the following statements.
“And in a large degree through our publishing houses is to be accomplished the work of that other angel who comes down from heaven with great power and who lightens the earth with his glory. . . . Solemn is the responsibility that rests upon our houses of publication.” — Testimonies Vol. 7, p. 140
“Our institutions for any land are not to be crowded together in one locality. God never designed that the light of truth should be thus restricted.…Truth is to be planted in every place to which we can possibly gain access. It is to be carried to regions that are barren of the knowledge of God. Men will be blessed in receiving the One in whom their hopes of eternal life are centered. The acceptance of the truth as it is in Jesus will fill their hearts with melody to God…
To absorb a large amount of means in a few places is contrary to Christian principles. Every building is to be erected with reference to the need for similar buildings in other places. God calls upon men in positions of trust in His work not to block the way of advance by selfishly using in a few favored places, or in one or two lines of work, all the means that can be secured.” — Testimonies Vol. 7, p. 53
What is “the work of that other angel who comes down from heaven with great power and who lightens the earth with his glory”? It can none other that the proclamation of the SRod message which is the message of the forth angel. Notice how the work of our publishing houses is plural not singular. Rightly applied this means that the message should be published in many locations around the world. By definition the publishing houses that print and send out the “present truth that the flock needs now” (EW 63), the SRod literatures, are extensions of God’s true storehouse. It only makes sense today that God would have more than one publishing house when one considers the language barriers and logistic factors involved with printing and sending the SRod tracts around the Adventist world, which spans every corner of the globe. Why not have publishing houses/training centers on every continent? May God help us to open our minds and not stand in the gate to restrict those who have a burden to bring this message to their homeland. Those who live in America can use their means to help support and establish these institutions in areas where the local believers do not have the financial advantages of their brethren in the states. How can a group of believers in a third world country who accept this message be expected to finance the purchase of a printing press which costs more than all of their combined life incomes? Do you really want the kingdom to come and bring and end to this world of woe and suffering? Let us not hinder God’s work least He remove us as unfaithful stewards and pass the work onto our children or those who will sacrifice whatever it takes to have this message go forth throughout the four corners of the earth.
The headquarters prior to Ezekiel 9 is comprised of:
- The General Conference of S.D.A.’s located in the United States of America, the domain of the two-horned beast.
- The location of Mt. Carmel Center during the tenure of Brother Houteff from 1930 to 1955. First in Southern California and then latter in Waco, Texas.
- The sell off of old Mt. Carmel Center Waco Texas commenced in 1954 and was completed by 1957, as its work of publishing the original SRod was completed.
From 1955 to the present:
- There does not have to be a “headquarters” for Davidians, i.e., Mt. Carmel Center since the storehouse is able to exist independent of the headquarters.
- The storehouse of present truth is comprised of publishing houses in locations around the world the publish the original SRod message.
- Davidian Seventh-day Seventh Adventists are still under the umbrella of the mother S.D.A. church until the separation of grisled and bay horses.
- The headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will remain in the domain of the two-horned beast (America) until Ezekiel 9.
The headquarters in the future, after Ezekiel 9:
- The yet future gospel headquarters will be in Mt. Zion.
- The headquarters for the gospel moves from the General Conference in America to Palestine (Jerusalem).
Where is the tithe to be brought to?
“Note that not to the Levites, or to some other place or people but into God’s storehouse are the tithes and offerings to be brought. And for no other reason than that His storehouse may have the means to dispense spiritual food, “meat in due season.” — Jezreel Letters, No. 9, p. 4:3
“The statement, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse,” implies that some are already bringing into it, but not all. This, along with the charge that the whole nation is robbing God, positively shows that the tithes are now brought, not to God’s storehouse, but to some other house. To repeat, God’s storehouse has ever been and ever will be where “the message of the Hour” is, where “Present Truth” is, the house from which “meat in due season” is dispensed at the time the tithes are paid.” — Timely Greetings, Vol. 2, No. 30:18
“Nowhere in the Scriptures do we find permission to use the Lord’s money at our own discretion. The only justification for so doing would be sheer inability, for some reason to send it to the Lord’s “storehouse.” Should one voluntarily, though, engage in such a practice then he would set the wrong example before others.” — Answerer Book, No. 4, p. 45
As the above passages confirm as found elsewhere in the Rod and the SOP, the tithes are to be brought to the storehouse and to the storehouse alone, not to some other place we may think is the storehouse. They do not instruct us to bring the tithes to the headquarters as this would lead to confusion as to what headquarters we are talking about. The one in the past, the one present, or one of the many counterfeits today each proclaiming to be the headquarters. However, if we let the Rod speak as to the proper definition of the storehouse then we will have no problem knowing where to return our tithes. To the storehouses which publish only the original SRod message penned by Brother Houteff from 1930 to 1954. Seek and ye shall find.
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