“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” — 1 John 4:1
“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” — Isaiah8:19, 20
The question as to who will be appointed as the one shepherd over God’s flock where the multitude of shepherds have failed at their post of duty has been one that has perplexed many Davidians ever since the death of Brother Houteff in 1955. What makes this subject so controversial is that this one shepherd is also plainly identified as the antitypical king David. For decades there have arisen an endless string of false prophets, office seekers, and/or false teachers taking upon themselves one title or another to gain a following and its incumbent financial rewards. The situation at present has exacerbated to the point where there are at least a dozen or more counterfeits going about as roaring lions seeking whom they may devour.
In this particular post we want to focus on one pernicious and clever individual who has recently initiated a worldwide traveling crusade to promote his teachings to scattered groups of naive and gullible Davidians. We are speaking specifically about the Wavesheaf ministry and its leader, Lennox Sam, the man pictured above in a snapshot from his latest video presentation No. 7 on his newly launched website, gadsda.com. Therein within the first two minutes the voice of one his right hand helpers, Peter Gibbs, introduces the presentation and then reads a brief passage from Timely Greetings Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 23 speaking about the one shepherd God is going to appoint over His flock and then viola, the next person you see and voice you hear is none other than Lennox Sam. So it is quite apparent that the followers and supporters of this man believe he is the one shepherd, the antitypical king David. This has also been apparent for some months from a persistent campaign by several of his loyalists who promote the Wavesheaf ministry by making comments and leading suggestions on various Facebook discussion groups.
This now creates an all too familiar paradox. Is this so, or do we have another counterfeit arising seeking to place themselves above God’s true last day porter/prophet Brother Victor T. Houteff? To give balance to the this critical situation and to sound a clarion warning call to all Davidians throughout the world, we are bringing back to the forefront a detailed study from the Shepherd’s Rod message that makes plain the identity of the one shepherd that God will place over His flock, the long anticipated reign of the antitypical king David, as none other than our beloved Brother Victor T. Houteff. If you are not certain, or are somehow fearful to make this bold and necessary proclamation yourself, then you need to prayerfully plead for the Holy Spirit to guide, lead, and direct you unto all Truth of this vital subject. Why? It is because contrary to what many who lean on the arm of flesh for their knowledge and poorly studied Davidians may think or try to persuade other to believe, this is a matter of life and death and a soul salvation issue that necessitates your positive and firm decision to stand for the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, so help us God. Please click here to go to a prior post on this website that introduces the subject of the identity of antitypical king David in greater detail. Below you will find a detailed study outline available by direct download as a PDF document.
Who Is the Antitypical King David? — A SRod Bible Study Outline, click to download as a PDF
Is brother Peter Gibbs a member of the Wavesheaff Ministry? Believing less or more of Ellijah’s Teaching? No wonder The Lord asked ‘who shall He teach knowledge?
Greetings Brother:
Yes Peter Gibbs is a member of the Wavesheaf ministry. He is the one who does their website and serves as Sam’s right hand minister of propaganda. As far as believing the original message of the true antitypical Elijah the prophet, Brother V. T. Houteff found in the writings of the Shepherd’s Rod one must conclude that they do not because of the many heterodox teachings coming from the Wavesheaf ministry that are in direct conflict with the Rod. For example, the day of reckoning, antitypical king David, the storehouse, etc. We have posted extensively on this website to teach the Truth of the original SRod message and expose the dangerous and misleading errors of Lennox Sam. As far as who shall teach knowledge one must study to show themselves approved unto God and cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils.
Yours to seek and uplift the Truth found in the original SRod message without the contamination of man’s dung, The Publishers
Brethren stop deceiving fellow brothers and sisters.If you are not going to the Kingdom let other go.
Whether you like it or not, Inspiration shows clearly as Crystal that Brother Lennox Sam is the Antitypical David.My self I had refused before I heard of Brother Lennox Sam the doctrine that Brother V T Houttef was Antitypical David because he has tested Death.
The Antitypical David will never taste of Death.So who are lying that Brother V T Houttef is Antitypical David are liars.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” — Isaiah 5:20
What folly and madness claiming that Lennox Sam, a counterfeit king David will never taste death! Know you not what the Bible says about such pretenders?
“But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.” — Deuteronomy 18:20-22
Have you not considered that your reasoning is totally confounded when you argue that because Brother Houteff has died that he cannot be the antitypical king David? This is the same sort of satanic reasoning that has been used by the branch factions every since Ben Roden arose in 1955 to justify himself as the Elijah the prophet who would never die. At what have been the results? an endless line of false prophets and office seekers. And what a strange marvel for professed orthodox Davidians to fall into the same trap. Know ye not what the scriptures sayeth about the true antitypical king David whom God will raise up via the special resurrection to resume his works once again in the kingdom of God (7T 17). Woe unto them who chose to believe a lie and follow cunningly devised fables.
“For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, [that] I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him: But they shall serve the LORD their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them.” — Jeremiah 30:8, 9
My message is that only the wise Virgins will recognise the Antitypical David.
And those wise virgins will know and not be ashamed to teach that the true antitypical king David that will resume his work once again is none other than Brother V. T. Houteff whom God will raise up (Jer. 30:9) via the special resurrection (Dan. 12:2) in the soon coming kingdom of God located in the promised land. All others who appear on the scene before this such as Ariel Dacutanan, Lennox Sam, and a host of others are nothing but rank imposters.
The ROD say during the Ezekiel 9 there will be a Prophet in the Church and when Ezekiel 9 will be happening Brother VTH will be in the Grave!
What did Bro Mark Muli just says??? “Whether you like it or not, Inspiration shows clearly as Crystal that Brother Lennox Sam is the Antitypical David” Crystal clear??? No it isn’t. The antitypical David has to be sent with a message and that’s why he will be rejected. What is brother Sam’s message? Day of reckoning??? THE GOLDEN BOWL IS FULL AND RUNNING OVER. It has no space for Bro Sam. Be careful that you do not say “we will not have this man rule over us” be rejecting bro Houteff as antitypical David
Brother Jim before you can have any success in convincing Mark Muli and others who follow Lennox Sam of their errors you first need to separate yourself from Mt. Dale and their associated errors, most especially their use of the New Codes. This is one point that Lennox Sam has got Mt. Dale, Waco, and Salem on the neck. Also their unbiblical incorporation with the state as IRS 501c3. One cannot correct others unless we ourselves are free from all known error. Read and apply Matt. 7:1-5. Selah
Wow V. T houteff he is the Antirypical david
Amen Brother, If one prayerfully and carefully studies for themselves asking the Holy Spirit to guide, lead, and direct them unto all Truth then the weight of evidence is inescapable as you can now see for yourself. All praises be unto the Lord to show us who is the true antitypical king David to come and to avoid all of the counterfeits that have arisen since 1955.
So if Bro. Lennox Sam is the anti typical David and he dies there would have to be another anti typical David in his place. Think Brethren. Brother Houteff is the anti typical David. None other. What part of the clock does Bro. Sam fit? Further more he cannot use Brother Houteff’s message as his foundation he has to have his own. Only two tubes are there. Ellen White and Brother Houteff. Where does he fit?
If Lennox Sam dies it proves him to be a teacher of falsehood. The true and rightful antitypical king David is Brother V. T. Houteff whom God will raise up (Jer. 30:9) via the special resurrection (Dan. 12:2) to resume his work once again in the kingdom of God (7T 17). By then Lennox Sam and his followers will all be dead from the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 unless they repent and come back to following the original SRod message and what it teaches.
I am not saying Lennox is leading or isn’t, what I am saying is that Davidians need to put all the quotes together and get understanding instead of just their opinions. It’s in the Rod, our types show us the truth. Wonderful promises.
Lynn if you are not capable of discerning that Lennox Sam is leading the naive and innocents straight into the ditch of perdition then you need to prayerfully reread and study the entire Bible, SOP, and SRod for yourself and cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils. In this way you will be able to choose the good doctrines of the original SRod message and refuse the evil teachings of the wavesheaf ministry
the two tubes have nothing to do with future prophets… the oil is from the golden bowl… the 144,000 are prophets, and there isn’t 144,000 tubes is there?
Lynn you are speaking nonsense, please restudy the original SRod message for yourself and find out what it has to say about the two pipes.
brs if there somethng we are lacking as davidian is unity.one davidian association disagree wth a davidian brother how will the sealling of the 144000 be accomplish?.and what picture are we showing to our mother church ?..with about 20 headquaters disagreeing ourselves.how are we going to save our mother church wth such division wth us davidians?,if we look to our type inscribe by inspiration we see there was no division in the time of the apostles before and after the pentecost.there was only one church of whch Jesus was a visible leader of that church..Jesus the visible leader at that time sent the disciples to the lost sheep of Israel before the pentecost and after the pentecost they were still commission to preach to the church Israel not untill GOD turn HIS face and directed the work to the gentiles and many were added to the christian church daily.here we see GOD accomplished His perpose by only ONE church not a multitudes of association disagreeing one against the other.ism will only end after the slaughter in the church the 11th hour church acording to 2sr page 93.and thus before the showdown.many quorts to prove that we are a church wthin a church 1peter 4:17 judgement in the house of GOD,jezreel letter no.6..the purification of the church is also known as th judgement in the house of GOD.
There will be no unity amongst the various Davidian factions this side of Ezekiel 9 since no one sees eye to eye and every wind of doctrine is blowing. Please visit our prior post on this very subject. However, after Ezekiel 9 when Christ steps in and takes the reigns in His own hands there will be unity amongst the ranks of the 144,000. So now today we are to strive to be one of that number and the only why we can do that is to study the original SRod message for ourselves, put into practice what it teaches, and to cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils (i.e. the many voices of false prophets and teachers in our midst which cause all of the divisions).
So the Anti-typical David is brother Houteff who is yet to come according to 2TG No 2: 14 ?
Yes, the weight of evidence proves the case for those who read and study the entire original SRod message for themselves and cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils. Here is a prior post where we prove the case.
The antitypical David based on what is published points to prophet Victor T Houteff.
Quoting prophet Victor T Houteff:
“…..this great world-wide work of ingathering [of the 12 tribes of Israel] cannot begin till “Jezreel” appears [live] on the scene”{The White House Recruiter, page 64.5}.
Quoting prophet Victor T Houteff:
“I am confident that after hearing our Father’s merciful plea in the succeeding pages, and then closely restudying this appeal, it will become the more urgent. Be assured that I shall rejoice to hear from all of you as to the results of your importuning “Mother.” Sincerely yours for a happy home, [Signed] JEZREEL By V.T.H.” {4TR 9.2}
Prophet Victor T Houteff’s death is irrelevant concerning his eligibility as the antitypical David. Prophet Victor T Houteff is not disqualified of the antitypical David title for having defunct. We agree with the proven notion that the 144,000 will not taste death (2SR page 163). However, the 144,000 and the antitypical David are not the same entity. These 2 entities can not be construed to be 144,001 together. The correct assignment and definition of these 2 entities are 144,000 numbered saints and ONE antitypical David!!! We can not construe these 2 different entities to be 144,001 together in number!!! The Holy Bible and Ispiration does not say or teach 144,001. Therefore, the antitypical David is allowed to taste death because the typical David (son of Jesse) also tasted death and because the antitypical David is a separate entity to the 144,000 saints. The antitypical David is not a 144,000 numbered saint. Again, the correct assignment and definition of these 2 entities are 144,000 numbered saints of God that will not taste death and ONE antitypical David that is allowed to taste death (since the typical David tasted death also).
Quoting prophet Ellen G White:
“The battle cry is sounding along the line. Let every soldier of the cross push to the front, not in self-sufficiency, but in meekness and lowliness, and with firm faith in God. Your work, my work, will not cease with this life. For a little while we may rest in the grave, but, when the call comes, we shall, in the kingdom of God, take up our work once more. – {7T 17.4}
According to this reference, prophet Ellen G White will resurrect in the premillennial kingdom to proclaim the loud cry of the third angel’s message. Likewise, prophet Victor T Houteff will also continue his work as the LEADER of God’s saints during the loud cry period in the premillennial kingdom. This reference can not apply to the kingdom of heaven. For there will not be a Gospel work or a loud cry Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of converting and purifying souls to The Lord Christ in the kingdom of Heaven. The purification of God’s saints must be executed prior to The Lord Jesus’ second coming (Adventist Home page 16, TM page 507, 8TR page 32). Therefore, the type of work mentioned here by prophet Ellen G White must be during the loud cry period before the second coming of The Lord Jesus.
In 8TR pages 48-56, we are revealed that the General Conference of Laodicea is the antitypical King Saul. This being true, leads us to conclude that the antitypical King David is obviously prophet Victor T Houteff because he was the first Inspired servant to discover these antitypes and the first to reveal the Davidian teachings to God’s church. Indeed, prophet Victor T Houteff was the first Davidian just like the typical King David (son of Jesse) was also the first of his kingdom. How can we let someone else steal prophet Victor T Houteff’s title??? It is not correct for anyone to take the credit for peeling a potato they did not originally peel.
The following link has many references that we welcome you to research. I am not advocating this movement’s teachings nor necessarily agree entirely with all of the weblink’s concepts. The link, however, does contain significant and substantial Shepherd’s Rod references and evidence that support the notions we have shared in this comment. God bless you all!!
Thank you brother for your earnest reply confirming that the antitypical king David is Brother Houteff. By the way the article that you cite is published by upa7.org, the same Association that owns this website, whyperish.org. The website you have linked to was an earlier version of the present website.
May God continue to bless you as you search for truth as for hidden treasure,
In that blessed hope, The Publishers
Which is the right movement? Is it Waco,mt.dale,Salem,Wavesheaf or which one?and why should we have divisions as Davidians.We should harmonize all the writings to find out who is right And who is wrong
None of the above. We will always have divisions amongst us as a people because the Bible tells us so since we have no shepherd and the sheep are scattered (Zech. 13:7). There will be no unity and seeing eye to eye until after Eze. 9. Please see our post along these lines.
Only the wise Will understand this anti typical David when he comes on scene.
If you cannot identify who is the antitypical king David now you will never make it to the kingdom when he (Bro. Houteff) is resurrected to resume his work once again.