A question recently came to us asking about the portion in the original Shepherd’s Rod tract entitled “The Entering Wedge” which appears to advocate the use of drugs contrary to the counsel found in the Spirit of Prophecy. This concern and apparent contradiction has been noticed and voiced by others over the years.
“I have been reading the The Entering wedge , and got to page 20, 21 & 22 – A TIME FOR DRUGS RATHER THAN FOR FOOD . The writer makes statements that seem to be contrary to the light given to us through Sister White about drugs. What makes the case even more suspicious is that the copy I have does not carry the name of the author.
Please do clarify on this, as I am searching for all the original writings of the prophet Elijah.” (email from Africa)
Fortunately, by the grace and mercy of God we have been able to scan a letter that was written by Brother Houteff to a concerned brother and sister in his day who brought up the same concern and were apparently pushing for “drugless” health reform. We believe upon reading the reply all but the gainsayers will be persuaded about the proper time and place to use drugs that harmonizes with all of the counsel we have been given through the writings of Sister White.
Letter from Brother V. T. Houteff concerning the proper time for the use of drugs.
Here is a link to a digital scan of the original Entering Wedge track for all to download and read for themselves.
May God bless your search for Truth as for hidden treasure and a balanced mind to reason together according to all that inspiration has been given to us as a people.
Yours in that blessed hope,
The Publishers
keep me posted on the very latest…
Yes Brother we will be happy to keep you updated on the latest and most important developments in regard to the advance of the SRod message. Please subscribe to this website and if you are on Facebook, then friend request “Shepherds Rod Speaks” and you will not miss a thing by the grace and mercy of God.
I love bro.Houteffs letter it clearly settles the drug question once and for all…