The question of whether God’s work should be incorporated with the state in order to gain tax exempt favor in the form of an IRS 501c3 corporation has reached a new level of concern. This has come to the forefront in light of the recent explosive revelations of the IRS targeting of selected conservative political and religious groups applying for 501c4 and 501c3 tax exempt status. Please consider some of the many probing and over reaching questions the IRS has been asking targeted groups applying for tax exempt status under the threat of perjury.
- a list of donors to the group including their Federal tax ID numbers
- requests of all Facebook and social media posts
- a list of all books that group members were reading
- requests for all literature and publications distributed by the group
- detail and explain the content of the prayers of the members of a pro-life religious group
- detailed information about the group’s prayer meetings
- and the list goes on . . .
For actual letters that were received by two targeted tea party groups from the IRS with a complete list of questions, please download OH 1851 Center letter from IRS and IRS Letter Liberty Township.
At this point please stop and think this through for a moment brethren. Are these the type of questions you feel are appropriate for a rogue agency of the United States government to be asking of your IRS 501c3 sanctioned Association or ministry? Do you really believe this is in harmony with the Bible, SOP, and the SRod message? Are there not ample warnings provided from inspiration against such an encroach of government power over matters that are purely religious in nature and a direct violation of the first amendment of the United States Constitution? If this government abuse of power in targeting supposed enemies of the state is capable of over reaching to this extent, then where will it stop and who will stop them from intimidating your association or ministry if we are to go forward and preach the gospel according to the Bible command?
Here is a list of recent articles reporting on this blatant tyrannical usurpation of government power.
- IRS targeted groups that criticized the government, IG report says.
- The Puzzling, intrusive questions the IRS asked conservative groups we represent
- IRS Intentional Targeting of Conservative Groups is Ongoing Despite “Apology”
- The IRS Wants YOU — to share everything
- The IRS Demanded Info On Pro-Life Group’s Prayers
- IRS Targeted Billy Graham Ministry and Other Christian Groups
What is most alarming and shocking in light of these developments that the fact that professed “present truth” believers in the Shepherd’s Rod message who should be wide awake to these obvious and blatant dangers to our first amendment right of freedom of religion and freedom of speech remain silent or quickly attempt to muzzle any discussion on the topic. For example, a question was recently asked on a internet forum of whether Brother Houteff in the writings of the SRod said that a religious association should not be incorporated with the state. The reply from the group administrator is revealing.
“No, sis. Nowhere in all God’s Truth. That is not from His Sacred Writings. In fact: James, Ellen White, & the brethren verily did incorporate the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association; in1861, as EGW tells us in 1Testimonies, on page101.2 That shows what God had them do. That’s the true example. Someone may be teaching error on that subject. Or, at least their own uninspired opinion.”
Such cover plainly reveals the attempt to discredit the dangers of such a course of action and uses an argument based on the example of organization of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association in1861 as a justification for God’s storehouse/association to be incorporated today in 2013 under the dictates of IRS 501c3 defined religion. The fallacy of such a short-sited and historically inaccurate presumption has already been exposed. Please consult a number of well written and researched articles from both within and without Adventism that plainly reveal the terrible trap state incorporation brings upon any religious ministry seeking favors from the government. The following excerpt comes from the Appendix section of the complete study on the dangers of incorporation for churches and religious associations with the government so as to gain IRS 501c3 status.
Q: Didn’t Sis. White give sanction to organize the General Conference (GC) with the state? What is wrong with a self-supporting ministry or a religious association (GADSDA) incorporating with the state?
A: Not in the sense that is specified under current IRS 501c3 status. The church did form a corporation in 1861 to establish the publishing work to allow for the legal holding of property and buildings. Soon after the General Conference incorporated for similar reasons. This in no way abrogated Constitutional protections for the church. In fact, this allowed church properties to be exempt from paying taxes as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Some brethren took a wrong view of this matter as recorded in a letter written in by Mrs. White in 1895 (see TM 200.2 and Appendix note below). Furthermore, she encouraged the organization of the work to help further the cause by having a central location from which to collect and distribute funds to support the workers in the field (1T 714). Also, matters of church business were to be discussed, such as the publishing and medical missionary work. However, in latter years, Mrs. White strongly opposed a proposed plan for the medical training center at Loma Linda to form a charter with the state so as to allow their students to finish their education at worldly institutions (see: Loma Linda Messages, pp 12-14). Furthermore when Battle Creek Sanitarium formed a charter with the state of Michigan in 1897 that prevented the institution from spending its profits outside the state, a direct contradiction to God’s intended plan for the sanitarium work. Mrs. White strongly opposed this move (see: EGW Biography Vol. 4 p. 398). What was different from these charters and the earlier corporations started by the church? These latter charters were based on the wrong principles, which would restrict or compromise the work of God. In the same manner we should today oppose incorporation of the church or its publishing associations for the privileges offered under IRS 501c3 due to the legal ramifications of forfeiting Constitutional protections, which automatically prohibit taxation and regulation of ecclesiastical bodies. The legal monster created by the Federal Reserve (a private banking conglomerate) in the 1950’s for the purposes of collecting their interest (taxes), better known as the IRS, is wholly unconstitutional and would have surely met strong opposition from Mrs. White had it existed in her day.
“I have letters to write that must go in the next mail to Battle Creek. Our brethren there are not looking at everything in the right light. The movements they have made to pay taxes [SEE APPENDIX.] on the property of the sanitarium and Tabernacle have manifested a zeal and conscientiousness that in all respects is not wise nor correct. Their ideas of religious liberty are being woven with suggestions that do not come from the Holy Spirit, and the religious liberty cause is sickening, and its sickness can only be healed by the grace and gentleness of Christ.” — Testimonies to Ministers, p. 200.2
[APPENDIX to TM p. 200] MOVEMENTS TO PAY TAXES ON THE SANITARIUM AND TABERNACLE: At the General Conference Session of 1893 the following action was taken:
“Whereas in view of the separation which we believe should exist between the Church and the State, it is inconsistent for the Church to receive from the state pecuniary gifts, favors, exemptions, on religious grounds; therefore resolved that we repudiate the doctrine that Church or other ecclesiastical properties should be exempt from taxation and further, resolved, that we use our influence in securing the repeal of such legislation as grants and exemptions.” — GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN, MARCH 5, 1893, p. 475.
The E.G. White communication of January 31, 1895, giving counsel in this matter, was accepted by the leaders of the church as instruction which should guide in the matter of our relation to the paying of taxes on tax-free church property. — Testimonies to Ministers, p. 528.3
What does Inspiration say about forming alliances/confederacies with the world?
“Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.” — Isa. 30:1-3
“A Christian influence should pervade our schools, our sanitariums, our publishing houses. Under the direction of Satan, confederacies are being formed, and will be formed to eclipse the truth by human influence. Those who join these confederacies can never hear the welcome, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; . . . enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” The instrumentalities established by God are to press forward, making no compromise with the power of darkness. Much more must be done in Christ’s lines than has yet been done.” — Fundamentals on Education, p. 473.1
“The work of God is to be carried on without outward display. In establishing institutions, we are never to compete with the institutions of the world in size or splendor. We are to enter into no confederacy with those who do not love or fear God. Those who have not the light of present truth, who are unable to endure the seeing of Him who is invisible, are surrounded by spiritual darkness that is as the darkness of midnight. Within, all is dreariness. They know not the meaning of joy in the Lord. They take no interest in eternal realities.” — Counsels on Health, p. 300
“The light we have received upon the third angel’s message is the true light. The mark of the beast is exactly what it has been proclaimed to be. Not all in regard to this matter is yet understood, nor will it be understood until the unrolling of the scroll; but a most solemn work is to be accomplished in our world. The Lord’s command to His servants is: “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1.
There is to be no change in the general features of our work. It is to stand as clear and distinct as prophecy has made it. We are to enter into no confederacy with the world, supposing that by so doing we could accomplish more. If any stand in the way, to hinder the advancement of the work in the lines that God has appointed, they will displease God. No line of truth that has made the Seventh-day Adventist people what they are is to be weakened. We have the old landmarks of truth, experience, and duty, and we are to stand firmly in defense of our principles, in full view of the world.” — Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 17
So beloved brethren, the question arises once again. Are you going to obey the voice of God and cease from all worldly associations and confederacies, most especially state incorporation for the IRS 501c3 tax exempt privilege, or will you mindlessly heed the voice of man and his foolish arguments in direct violation of God’s express commands?
It is our prayer and hope and anyone reading this post will prayerfully examine all of the evidences provided in this post and the links therein and ask the Holy Spirit to guide, lead, and direct unto all truth and for each of you to study to show yourselves approved unto God and cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils. Choose you this day whom you will serve.
For your information:
The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Here is the legal proof.
(Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al.
CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I,
Public Law 94-564,
Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967,
Reorganization Plan No. 26,
Public Law 102-391)