For years there have calls amongst present truth believers to unite and come together so the work of pleading for mother can be finished and that long hoped for kingdom of peace ushered in. Is this thinking based on a sound understanding of the Rod or is it a specious sort of love sick sentimentalism that is calculated to lead, if possible, the very elect into the ditch? Has anyone proposing such schemes ever taken the time to sink the shaft deep into the mine of Truth and answer the following questions with a firm, “thus sayeth the Lord” and thus turn from a multitude of cunningly devised fables and hopeful wishes that tinkle our senses but are drawn from the broken cisterns of human feelings?
- What are some controversial doctrines among Davidians that keep us divided?
- What does it mean to see “eye to eye”?
- When will God’s Servants See Eye to Eye?
- What are the Conditions for having Unity Among Believers?
Before we address these issues it is important to address the magnitude of the deception that Satan is attempting to foist upon unsuspecting present truth believers, even as we speak. Recently we at have been approached by yet another group of scattered believers that desires to have Davidians unite and are very much wanting to make use of the large quantity of original resource material at our disposal to aid in their project. However, their understanding of what they believe should be the central location for this reorganized headquarters of God’s work for today must be around Waco, Texas which contradicts the Shepherd’s Rod teaching of Ezekiel 47 and the plain facts of history. Is it possible for us to unite on such an erroneous platform? We have thoroughly refuted such claims in prior posts on this website.
Or what about the ongoing efforts centered around a facebook group called “truth tellers” led by Rob Peralta and B. Albert Graham? They claim that the storehouse can be any of four different places according to a recent blog post yet fail to take into account the Waco and Mt. Dale groups do not agree on every point of doctrine or that one the other two websites that are recommended and happy to accept your tithe money are largely borrowed from the labors of others (Dara and Michael Dietz and their website, and Brother Gerald’s website who are excluded as tithe worthy places of recommendation). It is a strange inconsistency indeed that this and a fourth recommended website do not publish (print) any meat in due season, not even one single piece of original Rod tract literature. Is this the basis of unity when such confusion abounds? Does anybody actually know what constitutes the “meat in due season” that the flock is to feed upon? Is is some man’s popular videos, or another man’s audio studies, or the borrowed content from another party’s website, or perhaps the CD/DVD’s that come from yet another location and done at the expense of their supporting members?
Or perhaps we can consider the efforts that took place last year (2012) via a number of telephone conference calls that had high hopes of bringing unity into the ranks through discussion. What have been the fruits of this effort? Are Davidians any more united today? Were they even able to unanimously agree on one single point of doctrine and practice after months and hundreds of hours of discussion?
Or what about efforts from the past such as Robert Williams’ grand “Summit” plan to unite all Davidians held in September of 1998 in Denver Colorado? Or what about the “Charit” group that was established in an effort to bring about unity within the Mt. Dale ranks in 2004-05? What was the result of these great optimistic efforts? More unity or more division? What do the facts of the matter tell us? You be the judge.
Perhaps in all of these grand efforts something very basic and fundamental has been left out of consideration. Has anyone gone and searched out the Rod message closely and seen what it says? Would you believe that the Rod speaks absolutely nothing about their being a united group of believers this side of the kingdom? Yes, that is what the Rod teaches. Are you shocked? If so, please search it out for yourselves. While we are in the time of the wheat and tares mixed together, the church militant, that unity will not only never happen, but it is down right impossible. The true Biblical unity that Christ prayed for will only be realized after the church is purified and becomes the church triumphant. To get us all pointed in the right direction and encourage anyone reading this article to search the Rod for answers for ourselves and know what it teaches, we have put together a study outline listed below based on what it means to be unified in Christ and exactly when God’s people will come to the point that they will all see eye to eye and be transformed into a condition where they are fitted up to proclaim the Loud Cry.
Can Davidia See Eye t0 Eye and Unite This Side of the Kingdom?
In your own personal studies you may want to search the Rod and the S.O.P. carefully using the phrases “church militant” and “church triumphant” to gain a deeper perspective on this whole topic of unity. Another important thing to keep in mind in that we are living under the period of the enemy’s attempt to deliver a knock out blow (WHR 33) and as such, the prophesied situation that has arisen with the shepherd being smitten and the sheep scattered (Zech. 13:7) cannot be broken, or reversed, despite our best intentions. Can we go against these prophecies hoping and wishing that Davidians will somehow be united to order to reach the church? It can’t happen. Perhaps we have overlooked the fact that the 144,000 will be born as in a day (Isa. 66:8) and that the majority the Vanguard’s army (Lev. p. 3) are still hidden from view (5T 80). Here are some more topics to search out carefully in the privacy of your own closet to know what you believe and avoid the every ready trap of depending upon the arm of flesh to answer your questions. Your homework assignment has been given so let us all go get busy to study to shew ourselves approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15) and “cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils” (Isa. 2:22).
Pray like never before and plead for the Holy Spirit to guide, lead, and direct you unto all Truth. We look forward to your replies and may God help to better understand His word and work according to His divine purposes for each of our lives. May God bless you all in the worthy name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
surely we the new believers are in great danger of being decieved by those people with their websites claiming to be the original source of VT Hortef’s message. Now I see that I’m traped too. I was in need of the sherpherds rod material since I have discovered that it is the meat in due season that we need at the moment. I couldn’t see the distinction between these websites and groups on facebook which call themselves davidians. I asked if I could get the material including the stuff for the little children. The respond I got was from the brother called Rob Peralta who didn’t hasitate to post me some few tracts.Now as I see, this truth tellers group you say is not the original source of present truth. I can also see that the first tracts I met are diffrent from these ones and are from diffrent places i.e (Waco and Mt Dale). I can see that I need to be very careful.I wish I could get the good stuff from the right people if they care. May GOD help us in guiding us into all HIS truth