The video presentation below will expose the heretical Gnostic, feminist doctrine of Lois Rodin of Branch Davidian fame claiming that the third person of the Godhead is feminine. By comparing scripture with scripture the foundation of the arguments presented using word studies in the Hebrew and Greek will be shown to be superficial, unsound, and contradictory to the teaching of the Holy Bible. Although this teaching of a feminine Holy Spirit goes far beyond the confines of Branch Davidianism and shares a common heritage with ancient Gnostic teachings, Catholic mysticism, New Age Feminist theology, and Mormon doctrine among others, it is directed primarily to Seventh-day Adventists, Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, in particular. This study will make clear that true Davidians who follow the teachings of the Shepherd’s Rod message published by the late Victor T. Houteff from 1930 to 1954 follow solely what the King James Bible teaches and consider the Branch teaching of Lois Rodin on this subject to be heretical and grossly deviant from scripture.
For a PDF copy of this study please click the following link: Feminine Holy Spirit: Bible Doctrine or Gnostic Heresy?
Well done brother, the Truth speaks!