In the period of the enemy’s effort to deliver a “knockout blow” (1959 to present) perhaps one of the most divisive and controversial doctrines in Davidian circles involves the full understanding of the prophecy given in the 47th chapter of the book of Ezekiel. Strangely there are many who try to divert minds from a full investigation into this topic by stating things like, “Bro. Houteff hid this chart behind his desk and never published it with the other large charts so we do not need to study it today” or “it is not important for Davidians to study from Shepherd’s Rod Vols. 1 and 2 today as they contain some errors”. One must wonder what are these folks are trying to hide? On the other hand there are Davidian Associations and individuals today who, although they claim to follow the entire published Rod message, vigorously oppose any belief that this prophecy has something to do with the movement of the Rod message (God’s storehouse) in an eastward course across the United States since its inception on the west coast of California in 1929. Once again we must ponder why so much opposition to the recognition that Ezekiel’s river does have something to reveal about the movement of God’s storehouse eastward on at least three occasions in the period from 1930 to 2005?
To understand this significant, yet often muted and easily aggravated subject in its full and proper dimension, a systematic study has been compiled and researched over the years and aims to sink the shaft deep into the mine of truth and encourage all honest and sincere present truth believers to turn from the arm of flesh, their private opinions and follow what the Rod teaches and the facts of history confirm without additions or subtractions. The journey through the often murky period of the “knockout blow” can best be understood through the lens of this most amazing and mighty of Bible prophecies. Please download the attached PDF, roll up your sleeves, and enjoy a most weighty and nutritious feast of butter and honey straight from the golden bowl.
Going Eastward: A Detailed Study from Ezekiel 47
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